CFD modeling of the air pollution circulation in micro districts


  • T. I. Rusakova Dnipropetrovsk National University. O.Gonchara
  • M. M. Biliaiev Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named. Academician V. Lazarian


CFD model for the analyses of air pollution in micro district of the city is developed in the paper. This model can be both used to analyze air pollution from the transport, and from emissions on the roads. The model is operational in the implementation of the PC so it can be applied for routine calculations. A model of vortex separation flows of ideal fluid and model, where the equation of convective-diffusive transfer of pollutant is applied, is used in the paper. The results of numerical calculations confirm the possibility of using the suggested model for the solution of actual problems of urban ecology.

Author Biographies

T. I. Rusakova, Dnipropetrovsk National University. O.Gonchara

assistant lecturer aerohidromehaniky and enerhomasoperenosu

M. M. Biliaiev, Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named. Academician V. Lazarian

Head of hydraulics and water supply


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Abstract views: 129

How to Cite

T. I. Rusakova and M. M. Biliaiev, “CFD modeling of the air pollution circulation in micro districts”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 25–30, Dec. 2013.



Ecology and ecological cibernetics



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