Factor analysis of ecology capacity by development of oil and gas deposits


  • N. O. Havadzyn Івано-Франківський Національний технічний університет нафти і газу


ecology capacity, factors analysis, development, oil and gas fields


Concepts and methodology of factor analysis of ecocapacity at working mine of oil and gas are considered in the paper. Influence of ecodestructive factors is certain at development of oil and gas deposits on a resulting index — ecocapacity, and also change of this resulting index under influence: payments for contamination and guard of atmospheric air; payments for contamination and cleaning of water objects; payments for contamination of soils; payments for placing of wastes and handling them; charges nature protection directed. It is marked that methodology of the determined factor analysis of ecocapacity development of oil and gas deposits allows defining the change of this index under influence of in relation to its determinatives.

Author Biography

N. O. Havadzyn, Івано-Франківський Національний технічний університет нафти і газу

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Abstract views: 112



How to Cite

N. O. Havadzyn, “Factor analysis of ecology capacity by development of oil and gas deposits”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 78–82, Nov. 2010.



Economics and management



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