Pedagogical skills in the teacher training institutes of Ukraine in the 40–50s of the ХХ th century: history, experience, lessons


  • O. A. Lavrinenko Інститут педагогічної освіти і освіти дорослих АПН України


pedagogical skills, professional skills, the system of the teaching staff training, history, experience, lessons


Based on the history and pedagogical analysis of scientific sources the retrospective view of development of pedagogical skills of leading higher educational establishments of Ukraine in the 40–50s of the ХХ th century is carried out in the article, the essence, content and basic constituents of the professional skills of future teachers are defined, creative innovative approaches to the system of the teaching staff training in the examined period are analyzed.

Author Biography

O. A. Lavrinenko, Інститут педагогічної освіти і освіти дорослих АПН України

співробітник відділу теорії та історії педагогічної майстерності


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Abstract views: 90



How to Cite

O. A. Lavrinenko, “Pedagogical skills in the teacher training institutes of Ukraine in the 40–50s of the ХХ th century: history, experience, lessons”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 119–125, Nov. 2010.



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