
  • V. S. Kozlov Krivyi Rih National University
  • I. I. Peresunko Krivyi Rih National University
  • A. O. Antonenko Krivyi Rih National University


shunt active power filter, higher harmonics, reactive power, energy saving technologies


There have been considered the method of implementation strategy of active power filters to industry energy objects. The foregoing method helps to determine the most appropriate implementation strategy of compensation (the individual compensation, group compensation, total compensation or mixed compensation). As a corrector authors proposed to use active power filter with extremum-seeking system regulation based on a «compensation criterion». The best result of the correction for the specific device achieved by minimizing proposed criterion. The article presents the results of physical modeling of the power active filter prototype that works in regime of removing higher current harmonic, load balancing and reactive power compensation.

Author Biographies

V. S. Kozlov, Krivyi Rih National University

Assistant of the Chair of Automated Electromechanical Systems in Industry and Transport

I. I. Peresunko, Krivyi Rih National University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Automated Electromechanical Systems in Industry and Transport

A. O. Antonenko, Krivyi Rih National University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Automated Electromechanical Systems in Industry and Transport


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Abstract views: 134



How to Cite

V. S. Kozlov, I. I. Peresunko, and A. O. Antonenko, “FEATURES OF IMPLEMENTATION OF POWER ACTIVE FILTERS TO INDUSTRY ENTERPRISE”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 3, pp. 46–50, Jul. 2016.



Energy generation and electrical engineering



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