Exothermic Heating of Cross Gates in Lost Foam Casting


  • M. Y. Burovskyi National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • V. S. Doroshenko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • M. V. Babich National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • O. B. Yanchenko Vinnytsia National Technical University


exothermic sleeves, cross gate casting, Lost Foam Casting, simulation, heat compacted waste


There have been developed three methods of manufacturing exothermic sleeves using a consumable pattern as a supporting structure. The methods include the use of hydrocarbon materials without additional pollution molding sand mixture kept at Lost Foam casting for multiple use. Calculation of production costs developed exothermic inserts by selecting optimal raw materials available in the domestic market, confirmed the effectiveness of their application. The concept of computer modeling of geometrical forms of the cross gate at Lost Foam Casting has been proposed.


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Abstract views: 142



How to Cite

M. Y. Burovskyi, V. S. Doroshenko, M. V. Babich, and O. B. Yanchenko, “Exothermic Heating of Cross Gates in Lost Foam Casting”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 3, pp. 98–113, Jun. 2017.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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