Operating Aspects of Activities of Motor Vehicles Enterprises


  • O. V. Zaiats National Transport University


controlling, operational activity, investment activity, budget, passenger transportation


While improving the control system at an automobile enterprise, it is necessary to investigate financial, organizational and operational aspects. The financial aspects include the introduction of controlling methods and procedures in the area of accounting, budgeting, work capital and finance management, as well as in marketing policies. Aspects associated with the organization of the company's activities involve the introduction of effective methods and procedures in shaping and improving the organizational structure, solved legal issues, as well as in the management of human resources. The operational aspects include the planning of the company's current activities, operational management, maintenance and repair, logistics of the motor transport enterprise, and information systems.

As part of the operational activity of the ATP, the modernization of infrastructure and rolling stock is an important measure to reduce operating costs. An effective concept for the maintenance and operation of vehicles allows for effective maintenance, spare parts and personnel training. In addition, the rolling stock management system, which must be created in each ATP, can be used as an effective tool for meeting the needs of consumers, communicating and informing passengers.

It is important to analyze key performance indicators and to check key performance indicators for different ATP units (for example, employee productivity, car, market share, cost per passenger, passenger-km, t-km, etc.).

First of all, when creating a controlling system in operational activities, the main solution should relate to the ability to effectively use existing assets and maintain assets in a "first of all, repair" status. It is necessary to analyze variants of solutions of low-cost technical improvement, increase of productivity of available assets, which can improve the financial and operational activity of ATP. Considerable attention should be focused on the identification of highly effective, highly profitable, simple capital projects with a short payback period.

Author Biography

O. V. Zaiats, National Transport University

Assistant Lecturer of the Chair of Management


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How to Cite

O. V. Zaiats, “Operating Aspects of Activities of Motor Vehicles Enterprises”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 81–87, Aug. 2018.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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