Methods and Software of Automated Construction of Adaptive Trajectory of Training


  • M. S. Dutchak Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk



Intelligent Online e-Learning Systems, adaptive trajectory of learning, optimization of reliability function, evaluation of software quality


There have been developed and approved new methods of solving the problem of the automated construction of adaptive trajectory of educating in the intellectual adaptive systems of transmission and control of knowledge on the basis of determination of current status of student, estimations of transition probabilities between the states in time depending on the educational aim, set parameters of certain student and parameters of educational material. There has been offered the functional optimization of adaptive trajectory of educating with the use of quantum genetic algorithm of higher orders.

There have been investigated such indexes of quality of the developed adaptive system of transmission and control of knowledge as: relevancy of the built adaptive trajectory of educating, integrity of presentation of the adapted educational material, quality of control of knowledge, quality of mastering of new knowledge, comfort and clearness of interface of users, automation of process of structuring and import of educational material, usage of labour of teachers and experts, usage of technical equipments, time of answer of the system, resilience of data, integrity of knowledge base, compatibility.

One of the main research methods was the experiment, which allowed assessing the level of achievement of the goal and technical parameters of software. An experiment is automated construction and selection optimal adaptive learning trajectory from several proposed, passing lessons by student on this trajectory, and then entering this adaptive trajectory into the system’s knowledge base with an assessment of the level of achievement of the goal. Thus, each passing lessons by students refines and improves the procedure for automate constructing an adaptive learning trajectory. So, the developed Intelligent Online e-Learning System is improved and “learns” in the process of student learning.

The paper reports methods for assessing the likelihood of achieving the set educational goal, what are determined depending on the parameters of the student model and the parameters of the model of the adaptive learning trajectory.

The study presents the results of applying the developed methods for constructing an individualized educational process on improving the quality indicators of students’ academic achievements.

The introduction and use of the developed Intelligent Online e-Learning System allows to improve the quality of the educational process, to rationally use the labor, technical and material resources of educational institutions by automating and adapting the process of mastering knowledge.

Author Biography

M. S. Dutchak, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk

Lecturer of the Chair of Information Technology


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Abstract views: 281



How to Cite

M. S. Dutchak, “Methods and Software of Automated Construction of Adaptive Trajectory of Training”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 58–66, Apr. 2020.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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