Conceptual Models for Supporting Decision Making in Multiple Administration Systems


  • M. A. Kukhar O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv



system, knowledge base, database, administration, category theory, model


Intelligent information systems to support decision-making, taking into account current trends and directions of development, are a basic part of the functioning of society. The main task of many, which lies in the development of decision support systems, is to present knowledge of a particular subject area, which has its own characteristics depending on the countries in which it operates. Decision support systems have various features that characterize the main tasks of the subject area in which this system is used, including, for example, the presentation of knowledge of multilevel administration systems for decision support at the state level. The most effective for the formal presentation of knowledge in decision support systems, given the modern knowledge base, experience and technology, is mathematical modeling, which can be used to present declarative knowledge about land relations.

Therefore, now there is an urgent scientific and practical problem, which involves the presentation of the subject area in the form of mathematical and information models with its further implementation to organize and fill the knowledge base of the decision support system to implement the operational functioning of this system in the chosen field.

The tasks set in this study were solved by using the following methods: isotonic mapping for rational borrowing of the administration system, as a standard of a multilevel system, mathematical logic and mathematical modeling, which will provide models of knowledge representation, system analysis for scientific substantiation of acceptance system solutions.

The study for the first time developed conceptual models for implementing the functioning of decision support systems for multilevel administration based on the methods of category theory, which allow reflecting the unique knowledge of the subject area in the decision support system to solve the problem. All the knowledge represented by these models is connected and has a certain relationship with each other, depending on the task to be solved, and they realize the possibility of further presentation of the theory in practice with the help of modern information technology. The developed models to some extent ensure the relevance of knowledge in the system.

Author Biography

M. A. Kukhar, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant of the Chair of Land Administration and Geoinformation Systems


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Abstract views: 268



How to Cite

M. A. Kukhar, “Conceptual Models for Supporting Decision Making in Multiple Administration Systems”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 3, pp. 51–56, Jun. 2020.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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