Elaboration of Scenarios for Sustainable Development of the Transport System of Ukraine


  • O. Ye. Sokolova National Aviation University, Kyiv




transport system, sustainable development, export, container transportation, ecological efficiency


The article analyzes the dynamics of exports and imports of goods of Ukraine by type of transportation. It is established that one of the key problems of low competitiveness of Ukrainian exporting carriers in international markets is the inconsistency of the fleet and supply chains with modern environmental requirements. Transformation of the transport sector towards climate neutrality opens new perspectives in terms of improving the quality of life and socio-economic development, namely through the modernization and formation of "green" supply chains it is possible to create high quality jobs, develop new environmentally friendly products and services. This will strengthen the competitiveness of the transport system and achieve leadership as we move towards the decarbonisation of other sectors of the economy. The key areas of reducing the negative impact of Ukraine's transport on the environment and ensuring the sustainability of the country's transport industry as a whole should be: development of container traffic, organization of optimal multimodal passenger and freight systems involving "clean" modes of transport, development of necessary transport infrastructure with zero transport, processing and utilization of waste, supply of alternative energy, etc. To form a sustainable transport system of Ukraine, it is necessary to intensify work on the development of container transportation of goods as the most economical, reliable and environmentally friendly mode of transportation. Project scenarios for increasing the level of environmental efficiency of Ukrainian freight transport based on the development of container transportation of export cargo have been developed. As a result of the calculations, it is proved that increasing the level of containerization on various modes of transport provides an opportunity to reduce CO2 emissions and reduce additional costs of the transport sector of Ukraine.

Author Biography

O. Ye. Sokolova, National Aviation University, Kyiv

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Air Transport Organization


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Abstract views: 352



How to Cite

O. Y. Sokolova, “Elaboration of Scenarios for Sustainable Development of the Transport System of Ukraine”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 117–125, Oct. 2021.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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