Improving the Reliability of ACSTP in Free-Time Operating Modes of the Power Plant


  • P. F. Budanov Ukrainian Engineer-Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv
  • K. Yu. Brovko Ukrainian Engineer-Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv
  • I. H. Kyrysov Ukrainian Engineer-Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv
  • E. A. Khomiak Ukrainian Engineer-Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv



abnormal operation of the power unit, management efficiency criteria, management model


A significant factor in increasing the reliability during the operation of automated control systems for technological processes at the power unit of the power plant is operational control to identify a low level of information reliability. It is shown that the reliability of the functioning of the technological equipment of the power unit significantly depends on the effectiveness of automated control in emergency situations, when an unauthorized shutdown of the power unit occurs due to false triggering. It was found that the reason for false alarms is information about the parameters of the technological process of the power unit, which is characterized by a low degree of reliability. It is shown that an unforeseen unauthorized shutdown of the power unit leads to a decrease in the load for electrical consumers. It is shown that the applied control models do not take into account unauthorized shutdowns of the power unit, which leads to a decrease in the load for electrical consumers in case of false alarms in real time. To increase the reliability and efficiency of the automated control of the power unit operation modes, a modular block of the emergency mode is proposed, connected with the modules of false alarms and emergency signs, taking into account the static and operational components. Practical recommendations are given for the use of the automated module in the software and hardware complex of the automated process control system, which makes it possible to carry out calculations based on statistical data coming from the data memory and current data from the power unit.

Author Biographies

P. F. Budanov, Ukrainian Engineer-Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Physics, Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering

K. Yu. Brovko, Ukrainian Engineer-Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Physics, Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering

I. H. Kyrysov, Ukrainian Engineer-Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv

Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Physics, Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering

E. A. Khomiak, Ukrainian Engineer-Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Physics, Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering


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Abstract views: 152



How to Cite

P. F. Budanov, K. Y. Brovko, I. H. Kyrysov, and E. A. Khomiak, “Improving the Reliability of ACSTP in Free-Time Operating Modes of the Power Plant ”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 28–32, Apr. 2022.






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