Prospects for the Use of Solar Energy for Energy Supply in the City of Odesa


  • V. O. Razinkov National University «Odesa Politechnic»
  • V. O. Suvorov National University «Odesa Politechnic»



solar radiation, solar panel, solar collector, energy generation, hybrid solar collector, efficiency of use, thermal energy, electric energy


This article considers the possibilities of using solar energy for energy supply of residential and communal facilities in the winter period of the year. The efficiency and, as a result, the amount of received energy depends on the intensity of solar radiation per unit area, therefore, to evaluate the prospects for the use of solar energy, modeling of the intensity of solar radiation throughout the year and in particular during the heating period was carried out. When modeling solar radiation, three components of radiation falling on an inclined surface were taken into account, namely: direct, diffuse and reflected components. In the calculations of all components, the indicators that can affect the intensity of insolation were taken into account as much as possible, and the obtained radiation results were compared with the models of other researchers, and showed sufficient adequacy of the obtained values. In order to maximize solar radiation, the optimal angle of the surface was selected, as a result of which the angle of the irradiated surface was chosen to be 50º, but this angle of installation of the surface reduces the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface in the summer. For the summer period, the optimal angle is 15…20 °, but since the purpose of the work was to study the efficiency of solar installations in the winter period, an angle of 50º was used for evaluation. Three types of devices were considered as solar installations: solar collector, solar photovoltaic panel and hybrid solar collector. Two types of hybrid solar collectors were considered: with a predominant orientation on the generation of electrical energy and with an orientation on thermal energy. According to the results of the assessment of the amount of energy obtained, the most effective are hybrid collectors with an orientation to thermal energy, which on average allows to obtain 30 % more energy than other solar installations.

Author Biographies

V. O. Razinkov, National University «Odesa Politechnic»

Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Power Supply and Energy Management of National

V. O. Suvorov, National University «Odesa Politechnic»

Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Power Supply and Energy Management


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Abstract views: 127



How to Cite

V. O. Razinkov and V. O. Suvorov, “Prospects for the Use of Solar Energy for Energy Supply in the City of Odesa”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 29–36, Dec. 2022.






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