Efficiency of Gas-Piston Cogeneration Facilities in the Systems of Centralized Heat Supply


  • D. V. Stepanov Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • N. V. Rezydent Vinnytsia National Technical University




cogeneration, electric energy, thermal energy, gas piston engine, decarbonization, water heating boiler, energy efficiency


The process of simultaneous production of thermal and electric energy has greater energy efficiency compared to a separate energy supply scheme, when thermal energy is produced in steam or water-heating boiler houses, and electric energy is supplied from centralized sources — thermal power stations, that contributes to the decarbonization of the energy industry and the slowing down of global warming processes.

The implementation of combined energy supply in centralized heat supply systems provides advantages in terms of diversification and reliability of heat and electric energy supply, reducing the load on the combined power grid, reducing nonuniform loading of the electric power system, and strengthening the country's energy independence.

Water-heating boiler house of a centralized heat supply system was chosen as the object of the study. Conventional fuel saving in case of installation of Jenbacher gas-piston engines on the base of the heating water boiler house was determined. It is shown that the conventional fuel economy is 1.7 %...7.3 % for the cogeneration system in comparison with the separate power supply scheme, which is based on the efficiency indicators of coal-fired thermal power stations. The annual reduction of gross emissions of carbon oxides, sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides into the environment in case of implementation of decentralized cogeneration was determined.

The effect of the ratio of prices for gas and electricity on the economic efficiency of combined production of heat and electricity using natural gas is determined. It is shown that the use of a cogeneration plant to cover own electrical needs is economically feasible for a price ratio of electric energy and natural gas greater than 2.4. It has been confirmed that cogeneration is economically feasible, but has significant investment payback periods.

Author Biographies

D. V. Stepanov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Thermal Power Engineering

N. V. Rezydent, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Thermal Power Engineering


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How to Cite

D. V. Stepanov and N. V. Rezydent, “Efficiency of Gas-Piston Cogeneration Facilities in the Systems of Centralized Heat Supply”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 36–41, May 2023.






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