Efficient Organization of Freight Flow Distribution Within City Boundaries and Factors Affecting it


  • N. V. Ptytsia Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
  • O. V. Makarichev Kherson National Technical University
  • K. H. Kovtsur Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University




delivery, cargo flow, trading points, supply chain, service area, delivery efficiency, rational routes


The article presents the results of studies of the characteristics of the service area in the organization of the distribution of cargo flows in urban conditions. Recently, certain changes have taken place in the supply chain, which lead to the fact that there is a need to focus on defining the parameters of the delivery process and increasing the efficiency of the technological process. Various structural changes are taking place in retail trade, characteristic of many regions of the country. Active expansion and promotion of new formats of trade, along with the development of large retail chains, also increases the popularity of specialized food stores, kiosks, small stores located within walking distance, selling a diverse range of goods. Expanding the assortment of goods leads to a change and increase in the number of transport operations to meet delivery needs. These changes lead to the need to review the organization of the delivery process, taking into account the specifics of trade facilities, the density of their location, and the characteristics of the transport zone. Territorial location of trade objects determines the dispersion of cargo flows. Existing ways of improving the efficiency of the organization of the movement of material flow involve the development of schemes for the delivery of goods to trade objects, the determination of rational batch sizes and the frequency of deliveries, the formation of rational routes and schedules for the delivery of goods, taking into account the characteristics of the service area. The existing approaches to determining the characteristics of the transport zone and the location of trade points indicate that the assumptions adopted in the researched works do not correspond to real processes, which leads to significant deviations of real and simulated values when determining the conditions work of transport in the supply chain.

Author Biographies

N. V. Ptytsia, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of the Chair of Transport Systems and Logistics

O. V. Makarichev, Kherson National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Phys-Math.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Chair of Transport Systems and Technical Service

K. H. Kovtsur, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

 Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Transport Systems and Logistic


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How to Cite

N. V. Ptytsia, O. V. . Makarichev, and K. H. Kovtsur, “Efficient Organization of Freight Flow Distribution Within City Boundaries and Factors Affecting it”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 94–100, Apr. 2024.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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