Evaluation of Combined Power Supply of Continuous Surveillance Systems Based on Drones


  • A. M. Los Chernihiv Polytechnic National University
  • O. A. Veligorsky Chernihiv Polytechnic National University




continuous surveillance, power supply, energy consumption, photovoltaic system, drones, uunmanned aerial vehicles, modeling


The paper proposes a continuous monitoring system based on multiple drones, which operate according to a specific algorithm: while some drones remain airborne for surveillance, others recharge on the ground and replace those that need recharging. This system is equipped with a combined power supply system based on primary and auxiliary systems. The primary power supply system relies on electricity generated from a photovoltaic system and an energy storage system (battery). In its turn, the auxiliary system is powered by alternating current and uses electricity from industrial power grids.

The article examines the temporal and energy characteristics of the drone charging station. Monitoring model is substantiated, taking into account the placement order of the drones, the parameters of their target equipment, and the monitoring area. Mathematical model for determining the system’s power consumption during continuous monitoring has been created.

Modeling has been conducted, the results of which determine the number of solar panels in the photovoltaic system, depending on different groups of monitoring perimeters, ensuring the versatility of the continuous monitoring system for various terrains. The modeling results show that for perimeters from 7297 m² to 17140 m², the optimal number of solar panels is from 55 to 75, for perimeters from 24155 m² to 33206 m², the optimal number of solar panels is from 206 to 450, in turn, for perimeters from 36260 m² to 40758 m², the optimal number of solar panels is from 424 to 1182. The characteristics of the energy storage system for use during periods of low generation from the photovoltaic system have been determined.

An additional result of the modeling determines that reducing the total number of solar panels leads to the need to compensate for the electricity deficit from the grid by a maximum of 18% of the total required electricity consumed by the continuous monitoring system. To supply the system with electricity during periods of insufficient generation from the solar panels and grid power, an energy storage system is used.

Author Biographies

A. M. Los, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Electrical Engineering, Information and Measuring Technologies

O. A. Veligorsky, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University

 канд. техн. наук., доцент, завідувач кафедри радіотехнічних та вбудованих систем


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How to Cite

A. M. Los and O. A. . Veligorsky, “Evaluation of Combined Power Supply of Continuous Surveillance Systems Based on Drones ”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 37–46, Aug. 2024.






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