Characteristic Features of the Methods of Solar Elements Parameters Estimation


  • K. O. Dyadyura Odesа Polytechnic National University
  • O. M. Ponomarenko V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, NNI “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy”



control method, assessment, photovoltaic module, quality and quantity system, surface measurement


The article analyzes the mechanisms that affect the degradation of photovoltaic modules, in particular the role of microcracks, which reduce the efficiency of these systems during their service life. Due to the increasing availability and competitiveness of the price of photovoltaic systems, these technologies have become an important source of renewable energy worldwide. However, one of the main problems is ensuring the reliability of photovoltaic modules in the conditions of the environmental . The research focuses on the study of microcracks as the main factor causing energy losses during the operation phase of photovoltaic modules. Microcracks can have different shapes and orientations, depending on their origin. The results showed that microcracks have different effects on power loss, in particular for polycrystalline panels the power reduction is from 0.82 % to 3.21 %, and for monocrystalline panels — from 0.55 % to 0.9 %.

The study also includes testing of test photovoltaic modules with intentionally created defects, such as microcracks, cracks in the elements, glass breakage and connection defects. The modules were subjected to various stress conditions in climatic chambers to evaluate the effect of these factors on performance. For comparison, some of the modules were also tested in an open field. All modules were tested using electroluminescence and performance measurements before and after the tests. In addition, changes in the fluorescence of the polymer encapsulant during accelerated aging tests were investigated, which allowed to reveal the degree of degradation of the materials under the influence of climatic factors. The induction period for detecting the effects of the fluorescence of the polymer encapsulant was about one year of outdoor weathering or 300 hours of artificial irradiation.

The practical application of the results of this study may be extremely useful for manufacturers and operators of photovoltaic installations. Early detection and monitoring of microcracks allows for the prediction of potential power losses and effective management of the maintenance process of photovoltaic modules. The use of ultraviolet imaging techniques to monitor the condition of photovoltaic modules without the need to dismantle them on site allows for significant reduction of inspection costs and timely detection of defects that can lead to serious damage or power loss. The data obtained from the study can be used to develop recommended practices for the evaluation and quality control of photovoltaic modules, which will increase their reliability and durability. In addition, these results can contribute to the improvement of the selection processes for materials for the production of photovoltaic modules with improved resistance to mechanical damage and environmental conditions.

Further research can be focused on a detailed study of the relationship between different types of mechanical damage, in particular microcracks, and their impact on the overall efficiency of photovoltaic modules over time. The article examines how different climatic conditions (temperature, humidity, irradiance) can accelerate or change degradation mechanisms depending on the type of technology (monocrystalline or polycrystalline). The study may also contribute to the development of new methods for predicting the service life of photovoltaic modules based on their mechanical characteristics, which will allow for improved warranty and maintenance processes. Of particular importance is the development of more accurate and accessible methods for visualizing and monitoring damage at early stages of their development, such as improved ultraviolet and electroluminescent imaging technologies, which will allow for prompt diagnosis and minimization of potential energy losses during the operation of photovoltaic modules.

Author Biographies

K. O. Dyadyura, Odesа Polytechnic National University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Biomedical Engineering

O. M. Ponomarenko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, NNI “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy”

Assistant of the Chair of Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering


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How to Cite

K. O. Dyadyura and O. M. . Ponomarenko, “Characteristic Features of the Methods of Solar Elements Parameters Estimation”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 87–93, Dec. 2024.






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