Mathematical model for the analysis of thermal processes of induction heating of cylindrical connections of steel details


  • N. S. Vypanasenko Національний гірничий університет


connection of details, induction heating, mathematical model


The mathematical model for the analysis of non-stationary thermal process of induction heating of connection of details is created with the purpose of their dismantle distinguished from known models that the influence of expansion of the cartridge on character of thermal process development is taken into account, the opportunity of account of process is realized at presence in the inductor of pulse form current.

Author Biography

N. S. Vypanasenko, Національний гірничий університет

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Abstract views: 96



How to Cite

N. S. Vypanasenko, “Mathematical model for the analysis of thermal processes of induction heating of cylindrical connections of steel details”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 60–65, Nov. 2010.



Energy generation and electrical engineering



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