Evolution of social and cultural factor of global economic development


  • M. P. Adamovych National Aviation University, Kyiv


управління соціально-економічним розвитком, соціокультурна глобалізація, економічна доцільність, соціокультурні індикатори, соціокультурна динаміка, соціальний хаос, глобальні ризики, соціально-економічний розвиток, культурний плюралізм, соціокультурні


The article discovers an evolution of social and cultural component of globalization. There has been conducted a theo-retical analysis of modern social and cultural transformations and their impact at the global economic development. An analysis of the development of social and cultural process and its specifics were elaborated within the structure of the world processes of economic growth. In order to improve the efficiency of the world social and economic management in terms of globalization there have been outlined certain proposals in the article, particularly a cultural aspect as one of the basic factor of the national economic, social and demographic strength has been indicated as one in prior.

Author Biography

M. P. Adamovych, National Aviation University, Kyiv

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of International Economic Relations and Business


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Abstract views: 106



How to Cite

M. P. Adamovych, “Evolution of social and cultural factor of global economic development”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 28–34, Mar. 2015.



Economics and management



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