The formation of information and communication competence of future social pedagogues by means of virtual space


  • V. I. Berezan Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University


інформаційно-комунікаційна компетентність, майбутній соціальний педагог, віртуальний простір


Today it is impossible to imagine the educational space of the social pedagogue without modern information and communication technologies and means of telecommunication, opening new opportunities for education, communication, and significant pedagogical potential. The aim of this work is to reveal the concept of information and communication competence of future social pedagogues, its components and features of their formation by means of the virtual space. The article describes the reasons for special attention to the development of information and communication competence of future specialists, indicated its distinctive features in the training of future social pedagogues. The author examines information and communication competence as one of the competencies that characterize a professional quality modern social pedagogue, and considers three aspects: 1) as universal personal competence that inherent to every educated person, which is formed over the entire life and requires compliance with the continuity of its formation upon receipt of the student in the University; 2) as a General professional pedagogical competence, inherent to each teacher and requires intersubject formation through the study of fundamental disciplines in the University at all educational qualification levels; 3) as a specific methodical competence social pedagogue, which is formed through the integration of special information knowledge and disciplines of socio-pedagogical training. Also the article emphasizes the changing role and functions of the lecturer in the system of modern (open) education.

Author Biography

V. I. Berezan, Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University

Cand. Sc. (Education), Assistant Professor, Post-Doctoral Student of the Chair of Social and Correctional Pedagogy


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Abstract views: 204



How to Cite

V. I. Berezan, “The formation of information and communication competence of future social pedagogues by means of virtual space”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 151–156, Mar. 2015.



Strategy, content and new technologies of traning specialists at higher education institutions



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