Historical component of training of the future engineers-teachers


  • V. P. Kurok Glukhiv National Pedagogical University. Dovzhenko
  • B. O. Shevel Glukhiv National Pedagogical University. Dovzhenko


The importance of the historical component in the training of future engineers-teachers is outlined in the article, some of its aspects are analyzed, expediency of introduction of the special course «History of Engineering Education» for students of direction «Professional Education» is substantiated; the necessity of preparation of the appropriate educational-methodical ensuring is considered in the paper.

Author Biographies

V. P. Kurok, Glukhiv National Pedagogical University. Dovzhenko

Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering,

B. O. Shevel, Glukhiv National Pedagogical University. Dovzhenko

Assistant Professor. Department of Mechanical Engineering,


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Abstract views: 123

How to Cite

V. P. Kurok and B. O. Shevel, “Historical component of training of the future engineers-teachers”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 108–110, Dec. 2013.



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