Research of distribution of power streams on the parallel branches of two stream transmission


  • I. O. O. Taran State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University"


By means of technology of analysis of transmissions, that is a construction of arbitrary flow diagrams of transmissions with the menu of their elementary base elements with the parallel automated generation of their mathematical models, the two stream transmission of mine diesel locomotive is considered and angular rates, moments, parameters of structural elements that are included in its composition, are defined. Correla-tions of power capacity in the parallel branches of transmission are investigated. It is suggested to substitute a planetary row by an ordinary symmetric differential with the transmission relation of k = –1, with introduction of that the value of relation of the indicated powers is maximal; here greater part of engine power will pass through the mechanical branch of transmission, that will positively affect general performance coefficient transmissions. The imitation design is executed and rational structural parameters of two stream hydro mechanical transmission transmissions for mine diesel locomotive on the criterion of maximum general performance coefficient are substantiated in the paper.

Author Biography

I. O. O. Taran, State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University"

Associate Professor, Department of Transport Management


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Abstract views: 105

How to Cite

I. O. O. Taran, “Research of distribution of power streams on the parallel branches of two stream transmission”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 102–107, Oct. 2013.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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