Mathematical model of diagnosis system of braking circuits of inverter frequency drives


  • S. M. Levytskyi Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • A. A. Bartetskyi Vinnytsia National Technical University


The mathematical model of the diagnosis system of braking circuits of inverter frequency drives, which takes into account a voltage derivative on the filter’s condenser and allows diagnosing of brake circuit during the drive working, is developed in the paper.

Author Biographies

S. M. Levytskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

доцент кафедри електромеханічних систем автоматизації в промисловості і на транспорті

A. A. Bartetskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

студент Інституту електроенергетики та електромеханіки


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Abstract views: 99

How to Cite

S. M. Levytskyi and A. A. Bartetskyi, “Mathematical model of diagnosis system of braking circuits of inverter frequency drives”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 79–83, Aug. 2013.



Energy generation and electrical engineering



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