Prediction of processes entering to the state of deadlock


  • O. S. Savenko Khmelnitsky National University
  • S. V. Mostovyi Khmelnitsky National University


The life cycle of process is analyzed, in the computer system the border state that is preceded to the state of interlock is distinguished. The algorithm of prognostica-tion of hit of processes is developed in the state of interlock.

Author Biographies

O. S. Savenko, Khmelnitsky National University

доцент, кафедра системного програмування

S. V. Mostovyi, Khmelnitsky National University

асистент, кафедра системного програмування


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Abstract views: 105

How to Cite

O. S. Savenko and S. V. Mostovyi, “Prediction of processes entering to the state of deadlock”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 81–86, Apr. 2013.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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