Usage of relational model for optimization of the technical state of electric distributive network control


  • S. V. Matviienko ПАТ «Вінницяобленерго»


management of technical state, distributive electric network, relational model


To optimize the control of technical state of electric distributive networks, the relational model is proposed to use, which allows organizing the information about the object of control, to ensure greater accuracy of diagnosis of technical condition, to get a new quality of technical state indicators analysis.

Author Biography

S. V. Matviienko, ПАТ «Вінницяобленерго»



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Abstract views: 106



How to Cite

S. V. Matviienko, “Usage of relational model for optimization of the technical state of electric distributive network control”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 93–96, Nov. 2010.



Energy generation and electrical engineering



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