Determination of the fundamental functions in the problem of orthotropic plates bending


  • M. H. Suryaninov Одеський національний політехнічний університет


boundary elements method, method of kantorovich-–lasov, orthotropic plate, fundamental functions


Some aspects of application of numeral-analytical boundary elements method are considered to the calculation of orthotropic plate. Bringing a two-dimensional task over to one-dimensional is executed by the variation method of Kantorovich–Vlasov. The vector of the state at the bend of orthotropic plate contains four components, and characteristic equalization has four roots, therefore for the complete decision of task it is necessary to get analytical expressions of 64th fundamental functions. The type of these functions depends on border terms on the longitudinal edges of plate. Analytical expressions of 16 fundamental functions are in-process got for the hard fixing of longitudinal edges of plate and any terms of leaning of transversal edges.

Author Biography

M. H. Suryaninov, Одеський національний політехнічний університет

професор кафедри динаміки, міцності машин та опору матеріалів


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Abstract views: 95



How to Cite

M. H. Suryaninov, “Determination of the fundamental functions in the problem of orthotropic plates bending”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 164–168, Nov. 2010.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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