Supplementary Trends in Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry of Ukraine


  • A. V. Vitiuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • K. R. Trachenko Vinnytsia National Technical University



pharmaceutical industry, drug, production, sales, profitability


The article analyzes the current position of the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine in the context of market research of the modern domestic market in order to determine the priority conditions for its sustainable development, as well as a detailed description of the main domestic producers and exporters of pharmaceutical products is provided. The dynamics of changes in the production of such types of pharmaceutical products as medicines, medical devices, cosmetics and dietary supplements for the period 2015—2017 has been analyzed. The analysis of key indicators of the market situation, which characterize the efficiency of its subjects - pharmaceutical production volumes, financial results, received by pharmaceutical companies, the level of profitability in the industry is made. The stable tendency of growth in volumes of production and sale in value and in kind, growth of operating results in decrease of profitability level of pharmaceutical enterprises is revealed. The reasons for the growth of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine are determined, the structure of the manufacturers of the product presented in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market is revealed. The main competitive advantages of foreign and domestic manufacturers of pharmaceuticals are established. Considerable attention is paid to weaknesses of national companies in comparison to foreign manufacturers and the main reasons of this phenomenon. It was established that the growth of the pharmaceutical market was caused by a number of factors, in particular, an increase in the number of drugs, the deterioration in the quality of medicines, an increase in the cost of used drugs, an increase in the number of expensive medicines. The main problems that hinder the more active development of the industry are identified and a number of perspectives of possible further development of pharmaceutical production in Ukraine are revealed. It is emphasized on the important conditions of sustainable development and dynamic growth of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. The basic prerequisites for the development of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry and its companies are revealed

Author Biographies

A. V. Vitiuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Econ), Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Management, Marketing and Economics

K. R. Trachenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Student of the Department of Management


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Abstract views: 1391



How to Cite

A. V. Vitiuk and K. R. Trachenko, “Supplementary Trends in Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry of Ukraine”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 35–43, Dec. 2018.



Economics and management



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