Analysis of the Influence of Supervisory Activity on Labor Protection on Level of Production Traumaticism in Risk-Connective Economic Sector of Ukraine


  • M. O. Radionov Department of Oversight of Industry and Objects of High Risk of the State Service of Ukraine for Labor



state supervision, level of productive traumatism, factor cross-correlation-regressive analysis, coefficients of correlation and regression


Recently in Ukraine the increase of amount of the lost and trauma workers on the enterprises of separate industries of economy has been registered, and also the cases of exposure of ill-timed presentation or unpresentation of information about industrial accidents from the side of public servants of economic market became more frequent. In modern terms in our country, when the level of productive traumatism is considerably higher, than in most countries with the developed economy, requirement to the labor protection substantially rises. One of the legislatively envisaged measures sent to the decision of questions of labor protection is supervisory activity. A dynamics and level of productive traumatism are analyzed in industries of economy of Ukraine depending on efficiency of state supervision on questions of Labor Protection of Inspectorate of the State Service of Ukraine for Labor.

As part of the study, the econometric analysis of the linear chronological trends of occupational injuries in Ukraine according to the reporting forms of the State Labor Service 3-ND and 4-ZT 2008—2017 was carried out in order to determine the influence on the amount of implementation of state supervision measures on one actual state inspector and the level of occupational injuries in supervised entities.

Author Biography

M. O. Radionov, Department of Oversight of Industry and Objects of High Risk of the State Service of Ukraine for Labor

Deputy Director of Department, Head of Division of Supervision of Oversight of Industry and Objects of High Risk of the State Service of Ukraine for Labor


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Abstract views: 186



How to Cite

M. O. Radionov, “Analysis of the Influence of Supervisory Activity on Labor Protection on Level of Production Traumaticism in Risk-Connective Economic Sector of Ukraine”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 35–42, Apr. 2019.






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