Methodical Thesis Linked Slot-Charter Tug-Barge Transportation Rates


  • O. V. Shcherbyna Odesa National Maritime University
  • O. L. Drozhzhyn Odesa National Maritime University



inland waterways transportation, tug, Danube, transportation rate, slot-charter


The paper proposes a method for determining the slot-charter rate for inland waterways transport. In this work, we studied the barge-towing fleet operation for two options for the organization of cargo river lines (cooperation of carriers in horizontal cooperation and transportation outside of cooperation). The transition to the direct determination of the slot-charter rate is preceded by a number of measures on the part of the carrier: determining the conditions of the voyage, selecting the structural elements of the ships, determining the loading of the non-self-propelled ships and the configuration of the barge / towing train (BTT) as a whole, depending on the type of BTT operation. A comprehensive and reasonable solution to these operational problems in practice is fixed by the ‘voyage order’ — a document that determines the main type of the technological process of the work of river transport. It should be noted that it is rational to carry out calculations according to the provided methodology for barge caravans, since one separate single-hold barge for the transportation of goods is supposed to be rented by a slot charter unit. In the case of multi-hold barges, calculations should be carried out for each hold of the barge separately. In addition, the task is solved for the case when the organization of the work of the courts is considered, which is subordinate to a single decision-making person (the only shipping company, which owns both tugboats and barges). According to the algorithm of the proposed methodology, three comparative rate options can be determined: depending on the situation on the market (cargo owner’s market or ship-owners market) and options for organizing cargo river lines. To illustrate the numerical values of the rates, some input data were specified (technical and operational characteristics of the barge and the tugboat, the towing in kilograms was determined with linear and port forms of towing for the variant of BTT operation such as route dispatch and end-to-end traction management method). Despite the fact that the calculated indicators have their source in the practice of transport between ports of the Danube countries, they can be adapted for transport on inland waterways in other regions. In addition, the above methodological provisions are universal and can serve as a theoretical basis for substantiating decisions by shipping companies operating ships on rivers in both coastal and overseas navigation.

Author Biographies

O. V. Shcherbyna, Odesa National Maritime University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Fleet Operation and Sea Transportation Technology

O. L. Drozhzhyn, Odesa National Maritime University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Fleet Operation and Sea Transportation Technology


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How to Cite

O. V. Shcherbyna and O. L. Drozhzhyn, “Methodical Thesis Linked Slot-Charter Tug-Barge Transportation Rates”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 99–109, Apr. 2020.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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