Means of Assessing the Propagandist’s Attitude to the Text of the Reverse Psychological Influence


  • Ya. V. Tarasenko Cherkasy State Technological University



assessment of the attitude to text, psychological influence, counter propaganda, semantic differential, computerized informant’s survey, information-psychological warfare


There has been solved the actual problem of improving the effectiveness of assessing the propagandist’s attitude to the text of the reverse psychological influence, which narrowed the range of cases for applying linguistic experiment to a particular category of propagandist’s subjective semantic space and increased the accuracy of assessment in order to adjust further strategy of the information propaganda counteraction. At the same time, the procedure of informant’s computerized survey has been improved to increase the efficiency of further assessment. The approach of factor analysis was improved in order of increasing the accuracy of results interpretation. Methods of semantic integral and semantic differential were integrated on the base on semantic differential in order to narrow the range of cases for using linguistic experiment and to get the possibility of applying in the process of further adding semantic noise. Thus, the set of existing means for assessing the recipient’s attitude to the object, including the method of semantic integral, of semantic differential and the method of associative experiment was adapted to a specific type of linguistic experiment, namely the method of informant’s survey in context of using a computerized methods’ set of counteracting information propaganda in the form of textual data. To prove the effectiveness of the means for assessing the propagandist’s attitude to the text of the inverse psychological influence and the accuracy of direct assessment, a number of positive and negative linguistic experiments were conducted. The results prove high efficiency and accuracy, and the existing accuracy error of assessment is caused by using only means of constructive informational psychological influence by the participants of the experiment. The error is leveled out when using tools in real conditions to counteract destructive propaganda, which is what a set of computerized methods of counteracting information propaganda in textual data is designed for.

Author Biography

Ya. V. Tarasenko, Cherkasy State Technological University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Information Technologies of Designing, Doctoral Student of the Chair of Information Security and Computer Engineering


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How to Cite

Y. V. Tarasenko, “Means of Assessing the Propagandist’s Attitude to the Text of the Reverse Psychological Influence”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 78–84, Aug. 2021.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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