Monitoring and Coagulation Treatment of Wastewater of Metallurgical Production Processes


  • A. M. Yalova Kryvyi Rih National University
  • N. V. Bondar Kryvyi Rih National University



waste water, analysis, coagulation, selection, purification, pollution


In recent years, the problem of wastewater from metallurgical enterprises is becoming increasingly acute and relevant all over the world, including Ukraine. In the process of production, modern metallurgical enterprise consumes a considerable amount of water, greater part of it becomes contaminated with various substances. When they get into the environment, huge and irreparable damage is caused to the ecology, therefore wastewater is subjected to treatment. To ensure treatment, it is necessary to use special equipment and technological complexes, with the help of which the established norms of sewage pollution, defined in the relevant documents, are achieved. The main goal of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness of titanium-containing coagulants in the processes of water purification of high-temperature metallurgical processes from the suspended substances. The choice of the object is due to huge volumes of generated wastewater and high degree of their pollution. Metallurgical enterprises are the source of many environmental problems related to wastewater disposal. Technological production processes of almost all areas of metallurgy involve the generation of the wastewater contaminated with various substances. Today, industrial pollution of wastewater is one of the most significant hazards for the environment. Anthropogenic factors of wastewater pollution are quite diverse and lead to the presence of mechanical, chemical and biological impurities in them. As a rule, wastewater contains hazard substances in complex, different concentrations, which significantly complicates the solution to the problem of wastewater treatment. Industrial enterprises, according to the current legislation, must necessarily use treatment facilities, enabling to neutralize the negative impact of the effluents, but this requirement, unfortunately, is not always fully fulfilled. As part of the work, the assessment of the possibility of reagent treatment of reservoir wastewater using traditional (aluminum oxychloride) and innovative (complex titanium-containing) coagulants was carried out. It was established that the addition of titanium compounds allows to reduce the effective dose of oxychloride by almost 2 times, with a slight loss of cleaning efficiency (a little more than 5 %).

Author Biographies

A. M. Yalova, Kryvyi Rih National University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the Chair of Heat and Power Engineering

N. V. Bondar, Kryvyi Rih National University

Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Heat and Power Engineering


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Abstract views: 281



How to Cite

A. M. Yalova and N. V. Bondar, “Monitoring and Coagulation Treatment of Wastewater of Metallurgical Production Processes”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 33–38, Apr. 2024.






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