On the Structure of Energy-Efficient Power Grid of an Industrial Enterprise with Distributed Generation Sources


  • Yu. G. Kachan National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”
  • O. A. Shram National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”




distributed generation, power grid structure, renewable energy sources, wind turbines, solar power plant


The widespread usage of distributed generation units based on renewable energy sources is leading to the transformation of traditional centralized power systems and the increasingly active implementation of sustainable energy. Efficient usage of renewable energy sources enables to unload local and distribution grids and significantly improve the reliability of electricity supply. At the same time, adverse energy overflows may occur, leading to additional power and voltage losses. In addition, distributed generation units connected to industrial power grids may also have a negative impact on the quality of electricity in them. Besides ,the traditional methods of mitigating the negative impact of distributed generation sources cannot always ensure the required quality of electricity and electromagnetic compatibility of consumers with the grid. Local microsystems, which have a modular structure and can operate both with a connection to the general power grid and in an isolated mode, allow for more efficient usage of renewable energy sources in the power grids of individual consumers.

The article proposes the structure of energy-efficient electrical grid of an industrial enterprise with sources of distributed generation. It is expedient to create three local interconnected grids: an alternative current grids to which AC wind turbines are connected without quality assurance units for the generated electricity and consumers who do not need high-quality electricity ; AC grids with high-quality electric supply, as well as direct current grids with the possibility of connecting photovoltaic installations, DC wind turbines and DC consumers. This approach greatly simplifies the integration of renewable energy sources into the grids of industrial enterprises, improves electromagnetic compatibility, and makes it unnecessary to ensure the quality of the entire volume of electricity consumed. In addition, the proposed power grid structure reduces unwanted power overflows and facilitates the creation of a unified control system based on Smart Grid communication technologies.

Author Biographies

Yu. G. Kachan, National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Power Supply of Industrial Enterprises

O. A. Shram, National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Power Supply of Industrial Enterprise


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How to Cite

Y. G. Kachan and O. A. . Shram, “On the Structure of Energy-Efficient Power Grid of an Industrial Enterprise with Distributed Generation Sources”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 54–59, Aug. 2024.






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