Mathematical Model of Vibration Machine with Vibration Exciter, in which the Axis of Unbalanced Shaft is Perpendicular to the Direction of Movement


  • О. S. Vasyliev National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»
  • A. M. Yakovenko National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»



vibrating plate, force of friction, analysis of vibration parameters, vibration machine, mathematical model, vibration exciter


Vibration plays a key role in improvement and optimization of various technological processes, allowing not only to increase their efficiency but also to enhance quality indicators. Many modern technologies have become possible due to the introduction of vibration methods. In construction and engineering projects, a special place is occupied by the compaction of materials, it considerably l determines the stability and reliability of the structures. The sealing parameters of the materials which are controlled by the vibrating units are crucial to achieve the required quality.

Particular attention should be paid to compact road equipment, for example, vibration plates, which are extremely useful for sealing materials in small private areas and in confined spaces. This study examines the operation of such devices, equipped with mechanisms that generate vibration, with the aim of determining the optimal parameters for improving the efficiency and quality of compaction. The authors of the article analyze the key parameters of the vibrating machine that affect the quality of material compaction. The main objective is to study factors such as vibration amplitude, friction force, load and applied force to move the vibration device, and to determine their relationship with the final seal quality.

The study of these parameters allows to set optimal values for achieving the maximum quality of compaction. The development of a mathematical model of a vibrating plate will enable to perform mathematical modeling in order to optimize the specified parameters. This is aimed at improving energy savings, technological capabilities and traction force required to move the vibrating device. The creation of such a model will be an important step in increasing the efficiency of the vibrating plate and will allow to reduce energy consumption, while maintaining the high quality of material compaction. Mathematical modeling will also make it possible to predict the behavior of the system during operation, taking into account various influencing factors, which, in turn, will increase the reliability and durability of structures.

Author Biographies

О. S. Vasyliev, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor with the Chair of Branch Machinery and Mechatronics

A. M. Yakovenko, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

 Post-Graduate Student with the Chair of Branch Machinery and Mechatronics


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Abstract views: 27



How to Cite

Vasyliev О. S. and A. M. . Yakovenko, “Mathematical Model of Vibration Machine with Vibration Exciter, in which the Axis of Unbalanced Shaft is Perpendicular to the Direction of Movement”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 157–162, Aug. 2024.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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