Object operations and objects communication in the object-oriented programming education


  • I. P. Donchev Великотирновський університет ім. Св. Кирила і Мефодія
  • E. S. Todorova Великотирновський університет ім. Св. Кирила і Мефодія


object-oriented programming, education, object operations, objects communication, objects interaction


Unfortunately, in the academic literature on object-oriented programming (OOP) we notice adverse tendency to focus attention mainly on language-specific syntax constructions and static description of the data used, at the expense of processes dynamics in the program, operations with objects and communication between them, which we believe is the key to mastering this paradigm. To improve the learning process, in this article we propose some basic concepts, needed for a successful OOP course; classification of the object operations, conformable with the course objectives as well as some specific recommendations for teachers.

Author Biographies

I. P. Donchev, Великотирновський університет ім. Св. Кирила і Мефодія

викладач кафедри інформаційних технологій

E. S. Todorova, Великотирновський університет ім. Св. Кирила і Мефодія

завідувач кафедри інформаційних технологій


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Abstract views: 105



How to Cite

I. P. Donchev and E. S. Todorova, “Object operations and objects communication in the object-oriented programming education”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 1, pp. 98–101, Nov. 2010.



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