The processing method of CTS subject preparation individual descriptions data


  • T. I. Troianovska Vinnitsa Technical College


The majority of the modern systems of the computerized training of specialists do not enough take into account the features of work of subject of training with educational information. Such passivity of the systems from the point of view of collection, storage, treatment and subsequent use of additional information about activity of subject of training influences the quality of training of specialists. The method of data processing of research of individual descriptions of subject training is offered, that would give an opportunity to adapt the process of training information supply to every separately taken subject of CTS.

Author Biography

T. I. Troianovska, Vinnitsa Technical College



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Abstract views: 98

How to Cite

T. I. Troianovska, “The processing method of CTS subject preparation individual descriptions data”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 140–151, Aug. 2013.



Strategy, content and new technologies of traning specialists at higher education institutions



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