Model of the botnet


  • O. S. Savenko Khmelnitsky National University
  • S. M. Lysenko Khmelnitsky National University
  • A. F. Kryshchuk Khmelnitsky National University


The generalized model of functioning of the botnet is offered in the paper. The model of bot that functions within the limits of the botnet is suggested. The acquired models take into account the life cycle of the botnet and her properties appearing in the process of functioning and allow carrying out the search of new bots on the certain computer systems.

Author Biographies

O. S. Savenko, Khmelnitsky National University

доцент, Кафедра системного програмування

S. M. Lysenko, Khmelnitsky National University

доцент, Кафедра системного програмування

A. F. Kryshchuk, Khmelnitsky National University

аспірант, Кафедра системного програмування


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Abstract views: 120

How to Cite

O. S. Savenko, S. M. Lysenko, and A. F. Kryshchuk, “Model of the botnet”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 3, pp. 76–81, Jun. 2013.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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