Development of Overhead Power Lines with the Use of Fiber-optic Cable


  • V. V. Cherkashyna National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"


fiber-optic cable, fiber-optic communication lines, lightning protection cable, phase conduct


The use of fiber optic cables in the development of air lines will expand the functionality of the object through the creation of automated dispatch control systems and systems monitoring parameters of the lines. But it follows that the procedure for choosing a fiber-optic cable for the construction of fiber-optic communication lines on the power lines cannot be standardized; therefore, the design organizations need to carry out additional research, taking into account the entire spectrum of technical and economic information on the construction and operation of air with expanded functionality.

The exploitation of electric networks has shown that the direction of transmission of electric energy, especially in main sections, coincides with the directions of information transmission. These circumstances contribute to the feasibility of combining power transmission lines with communication lines in fiber optic communication lines over power lines. It has shown that the direction of transmission of electric energy, especially in main sections, coincides with the directions of information transmission. These circumstances contribute to the feasibility of combining power transmission lines with communication lines in fiber optic communication lines over power lines.

During the design of fiber-optic communication lines over power lines it is necessary to take into account that, regardless of the technical solution of the dielectric optical self-supporting cable during the passage of the signal over the fiber optic cable, there is a decrease in the signal strength level, in addition, due to the dispersion the signal goes distorted at the receiving end.

The expediency of using fiber-optic cables in the development of overhead power transmission lines is substantiated in the article, which will allow expanding the functionality of the facility due to the creation of dispatch control systems and monitoring of line parameters.

Author Biography

V. V. Cherkashyna, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor of the Сhair of Transmission of Electric Energy,


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How to Cite

V. V. Cherkashyna, “Development of Overhead Power Lines with the Use of Fiber-optic Cable”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 1, pp. 30–33, Feb. 2018.



Energy generation and electrical engineering



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