Active Vibroprotection System on the Basis of Electromagnetic Suspension


  • V. I. Teriaiev National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»


electromagnetic suspension, automatic control, stabilization of position, active vibration protection, research, technical implementation


The article is devoted to the problem of position stabilization in space and vibration protection (vibroprotection) of equipment, instruments and people when controlling mobile objects (land transport, including cars, transport with a "magnetic levitation", ships, submarines, aerospace flying apparatus) under the action of coordinate and external disturbances. Theoretically there has been shown the possibility of active vibroprotection of objects in space based on the use of an electromagnetic suspension. The principles of active vibroprotection technical implementation are developed, and its workability is confirmed by modeling.

Active vibroprotection is carried out by compensating the action of external and coordinate disturbances due to the creation of an additional component of the force by the electromagnet, acting opposite to these disturbances by the principle of combined control. Compensating feedback of the disturbance is based on the accelerometer.

The effectiveness of the feedback on the disturbance is confirmed by the results of modeling the dynamic modes of the controlled object position and by a comparative analysis of the effect of coordinate perturbations on the quality of the transient processes. There have been also analyzed the damping properties of the electromagnetic suspension, the efficiency of using compensating feedback using an accelerometer.

The proposed solution does not cause difficulties in the technical implementation and makes it possible to improve the accuracy, speed and sensitivity of the electromagnetic suspension. The combination of the functions of electromagnetic suspension and active vibroprotection in a single complex provides the formation of an invariant characteristics, solves the problem of creating a contactless positioning control system of the object in space.

Author Biography

V. I. Teriaiev, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

Cand. Sc., (Eng.), Assistant Professor of the Chair of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drive


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В. І. Теряєв, «Система стабілізації положення та активного віброзахисту об'єкту у просторі на основі електромагнітного підвісу,» Патент 120636 Україна, № u201705289; заявл. 30.05.2017; опубл. 10.11.2017, Бюл. № 21.


Abstract views: 139



How to Cite

V. I. Teriaiev, “Active Vibroprotection System on the Basis of Electromagnetic Suspension”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 33–37, Apr. 2018.



Energy generation and electrical engineering



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