Set-theory Approach to Modelling of the Structure of Cargoes Delivery Systems


  • Yu. O. Koskina National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”



cargo delivery system, transport system, system approach, carriages of bulk cargoes, set theory


The article presents the formalized description of the delivery system of bulk cargoes using the set-theory approach. The delivery system is considered as a set of interrelated and interconnected elements of transport systems, which actually provide the physical movement of cargo, and participants of transport services market, which ensure the interconnection and functioning of the elements of transport systems. Selected and included in the delivery system, the elements of transport system form a set – technical subsystem of the delivery system. Bulk cargoes are transported more often by maritime transport with the involvement of road and/or rail transports as related ones, providing the carriage of cargoes to the port of loading (from the point of departure) and from the port of discharging to the point of destination. The transport systems of the mentioned above modes of transport are presented as sets of corresponding vehicles, infrastructure facilities and transport communications. The formalized descriptions of their interrelations are given. The participants of the transport services market, which initiate, conduct and ensure the movement of cargo by the elements of transport system, are presented as sets of carriers, cargoes handling companies, companies, providing the forwarding services and especially for maritime services – ships agency services in ports and ship brokering. The formalized descriptions of the relationships of participants of transport services market are given, according to the practice of transporting the bulk cargoes. The participants of transport services market, involved to the delivery system, form the information-supporting subsystem of the cargo delivery system and considered in the paper to be a particular set. The cargo delivery system itself is presented as a newly formed set, formed as a union of sets of elements of the technical and information-supporting subsystems. The presented approach is characterized by the versatility of use for formulating and solving the problems of theoretical and practical nature, related to the organization and functioning of cargo delivery systems.

Author Biography

Yu. O. Koskina, National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Fleet Operating and Technologies of Sea Carriages


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How to Cite

Y. O. Koskina, “Set-theory Approach to Modelling of the Structure of Cargoes Delivery Systems”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 62–74, Oct. 2019.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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