Information Technology for Optimization the Personnel Potential of a Health Care Institution


  • O. Yu. Mulesa Uzhhorod National University
  • V. Ye. Snytiuk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • I. S. Myroniuk Uzhhorod National University



health care institution, performance optimization, information technology


In the context of the reform of the health care system of the population as a component of the country’s health care system, the problem of maximizing the rational use of both existing materials and technical bases and the human resources of health care institutions is urgent. It is necessary to develop methods and tools for assessing the rational use of available resources of healthcare institutions and planning the optimization of both logistical and human resources for their effective functioning in the conditions of the market of medical services, which is formed in Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to develop information technology to optimize the functioning of the personal potential of healthcare institutions.

The medical institution is presented as a system, the main parameters of which are the indicators that characterize the employees of the institution; indicators characterizing the volume of services and the duration of their provision; employee competency matrix, which records the ability of employees to provide certain services.

When designing information technology, the solutions of the following tasks are required:

– determination of regulatory burden on employees and the institution as a whole;

– optimal distribution of services among the employees of the institution;

– optimizing the functioning of the staff of the healthcare facility.

The article builds a model for evaluating the regulatory burden on health care providers and the healthcare facility as a whole. The regulatory burden on a healthcare facility means the maximum amount of credit (minutes worked) that all its employees have within their own working hours. The model takes into account the differences between the positions and competencies of different employees.

A model for optimizing the functioning of health care staff in the form of an integer linear programming problem is constructed. The set of possible decisions is built under the condition that workers are not overloaded and all services are provided. An approach is proposed to analyze the potential of a healthcare facility, which is to consistently solve a number of optimization tasks of integer linear programming.

Experimental verification of the results was performed. The model example shows the effectiveness of developed information technology.

Author Biographies

O. Yu. Mulesa, Uzhhorod National University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics

V. Ye. Snytiuk, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Chair of Intelligent Systems

I. S. Myroniuk, Uzhhorod National University

Dr. Sc. (Medicine), Associate Professor, Dean of the Department of Health Sciences and Physical Education


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Abstract views: 330



How to Cite

O. Y. Mulesa, V. Y. Snytiuk, and I. S. Myroniuk, “Information Technology for Optimization the Personnel Potential of a Health Care Institution”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 83–90, Dec. 2019.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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