About Assessment of the Possibility and Necessity of the Philosophical Support of the Directions of the Development of Modern Automotive Techniques


  • V. A. Makarov Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • T. V. Makarova Vinnytsia National Technical University




automobile technology, planet technology, philosophical support, model, nature, science, necessity, opportunity, society, culture


It is recognized that according to the conclusions of leading scientists it is necessary to consider important questions of further development of modern technology at the philosophical level. This will contribute to the study of global contradictions of the planetary system "man— the world—technology". The later contains a very important component — automotive technology (AT), whose level of influence on the planetary system (PS) is rapidly increasing and differs as follows: widespread distribution among the population and on the surface of the planet; the largest transportation of cargo volumes and population, which determines the economic development and contributes to the social and cultural education of the population of the AF; the highest consumption of petroleum products; the widespread future use of artificial intelligence, whose systems are rapidly evolving to function in large collections of unmanned vehicles that will dynamically move in intelligent traffic flows. There is not enough reasonable scientific information about philosophical horizons, defining the development of АT.

The model of the Earth Submarine was formed, which made it possible to substantiate the necessity and possibility of philosophical support of directions and horizons for the development of the AT. There have been selected the important components of the structural model of the planetary system: technology compatible with AT, science with philosophy for analysis, nature, society and culture. Very important components of this model are the lines of interaction of individual spheres. All these structural components are located between two fields that operate in opposite directions: the "field" of human needs and the "field" of human spirituality. It is determined that they co-create the conditions for the existence of PS only when the equilibrium between the specified opposites is maintained.

A general analysis of the features of the functioning of the structural model is made. Attention is drawn to the complexity of presenting and displaying such components. PS structures as a society and culture that are related to the emotions and characters of such a layer of humanity that has a "soul education". At some stages of the Earth’s life cycle, the identified components dominated the model’s spheres. The approach to the choice of the distribution boundary between two opposite fields of gravity of the model of the planetary system is described.

Possible directions of AT development that contribute to the progression or degradation of the planetary system have been investigated. Automotive technology is a necessity for the existence of a planetary Earth system. Therefore, the present qualitative changes in the development of AT for functioning in the intelligent transport systems at the intellectual stage of the life cycle of the planet need philosophical support to determine the correct directions and horizons of the development of automotive technology. The philosophical support for the development of automotive technology should be ensured by the creation of information flow and sufficient electronic and computer equipment for transport systems.

Author Biographies

V. A. Makarov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Chair of Automobiles and Transport Management

T. V. Makarova, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Associate Professor of the Chair of Automobiles and Transport Management


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How to Cite

V. A. Makarov and T. V. Makarova, “About Assessment of the Possibility and Necessity of the Philosophical Support of the Directions of the Development of Modern Automotive Techniques”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 89–98, Apr. 2020.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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