Diagnostics of Stator Windings of an Induction Motor Using Simulation Based on the Hodograph of the Park Vector


  • O. V. Hubarevych State University of Infrastructure and Technology
  • S. O. Hulak State University of Infrastructure and Technology
  • A. P. Poliakov Vinnytsia National Technical University




asynchronous electric motor, stator winding, interturn closure, hodograph of the Park vector, diagnostics


Despite the large number of methods for monitoring the condition of the stator windings of squirrel-cage induction motors, the issue of improving and developing diagnostic equipment with a high degree of reliability that meets modern operational requirements remains unresolved. The available methods take into account only the limiting or permissible states of the winding parameters, which do not allow us to evaluate defects at an early stage of their development. An especially hard-to-diagnose damage requiring further research is the interturn short circuit in the phase of the stator winding.

The paper considers a method for diagnosing interturn closure of a stator winding using mathematical modeling based on the hodograph of the Park vector. For this purpose, a mathematical model of an induction motor with established adequacy to real processes was chosen, with which the computing unit of the Park vector was used. As a result of modeling, using an example of an asynchronous motor model AIR with a power of 11 kW, the hodographs of the Park vector for a stator without defects in nominal mode were obtained; as a result of interturn closure with complex phase resistance reduced to 80% in nominal mode and in idle mode.

It is established that the considered method of applying the simulation model of a squirrel-cage asynchronous motor based on the hodograph of the Park vector allows modeling defects in the stator windings, studying their effect on motor operation, and also diagnosing the degree of defects that occur in the stator.

When applying the method of spectral analysis of the hodograph of the Park vector to diagnose interturn closure faults of the stator winding, it is necessary to take into account the influence on the result of the parameters of the supply network, the nature of the load, the influence of external electromagnetic fields, transient processes in the motor, etc., accounting for which requires additional research.

The possibility of using method of the hodograph of the Park vector for diagnostics of windings of induction motors remotely, without stopping the operation of the motor and when used in fully automated diagnostic systems, makes this method the most promising for further development and use.

Author Biographies

O. V. Hubarevych, State University of Infrastructure and Technology

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the Chair of Electrical Equipment and Automation of Water Transpor

S. O. Hulak, State University of Infrastructure and Technology

Senior Lecturer, of the Chair of Traction Rolling Stock of Railways

A. P. Poliakov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Automobile and Transport Management


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How to Cite

O. V. Hubarevych, S. O. Hulak, and A. P. Poliakov, “Diagnostics of Stator Windings of an Induction Motor Using Simulation Based on the Hodograph of the Park Vector”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 3, pp. 29–36, Jun. 2020.






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