Mechanical Parameters Automated Control for a Two-motor Electric Drive of an Inclined Diffusion Apparatus


  • V. V. Kukharchuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • A. M. Koval Vinnytsia National Technical University



automated control, two-engine electric drive, inclined diffusion apparatus, static characteristics, quantization error


The article is devoted to the mechanical parameters automated control method development. Control object is the two-engine electric drive of an inclined diffusion apparatus. It is shown that in production conditions, the traditional automated control system, equipped with only electrical parameters control system, does not meet the requirements for the reliability of the two-engine electric drive with elastic bonds in the kinematic circuit.

Structural schemes of two-motor electric drive`s relative rotation angle and speed control methods are developed. Theoretical evaluation of metrological characteristics of the proposed measuring channels was carried out, its static characteristics were constructed, and quantization errors were determined. It was established that the quantization error of the measuring channel is directly proportional to the mark number of engine shaft rotation sensors. Therefore, the optimal number of marks for means of mechanical parameters control was determined, which would ensure the necessary reliability of control.

The algorithms of two-motor electric drive`s relative rotation angle and speed automated control are developed, the production implementation results of developed control means based on theoretical research are presented. Experimental studies of the two-motor electric drive`s relative rotation angle and speed automated control work, which showed the complete adequacy of measurement, both the speed of engines rotation and their shafts relative rotation angle, were carried out. The real metrological characteristics of these means correlate with theoretical developments.

With the help of developed control means, experimental time charts were obtained that illustrate the operation of an inclined diffusion apparatus two-engine electric drive, in transient gear modes associated with the presence of an elastic-dissipative connection between the drive engines and the uneven distribution of torque between them. Preliminary theoretical studies of the dynamic properties of such an electric drive system have been experimentally confirmed.

Author Biographies

V. V. Kukharchuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Chair of Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Electrical Measurements

A. M. Koval, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Assistant of the Chair of Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Electrical Measurements


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Abstract views: 163



How to Cite

V. V. . Kukharchuk and A. M. Koval, “Mechanical Parameters Automated Control for a Two-motor Electric Drive of an Inclined Diffusion Apparatus”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 15–23, Apr. 2021.



Automation and information-measuring equipment



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