Comprehensive Proctoring System in Information Technologies of Context Analysis in Knowledge Evaluation Systems


  • O. I. Denesiak Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Ye. A. Palamarchuk Vinnytsia National Technical University



artificial intelligence technologies, knowledge assessment systems, distance learning, proctoring, e-learning systems (LMS)


The article shows the need to control the learning process, namely the knowledge gained in the learning process, highlights the differences in the assessment of classroom and distance learning. Consider artificial intelligence technologies that can enhance the knowledge assessment process. The general concept of proctoring as an element of artificial intelligence is described and the existing platforms and projects that use proctoring technology in training are considered and the role of proctoring systems in these systems is analyzed.

The basic principles of construction of proctoring systems, their functions and features are considered. The types (synchronous, asynchronous, automatic) of proctoring systems are considered and the advantages and disadvantages of each of them are analyzed. A key set of elements of the proctoring system structure is highlighted, which must be taken into account when developing your own mathematical model or using existing system models.

The existing example of integration of the proctoring system on the example of the system of assessment and control of knowledge Stepik and the proctoring system ProctorEdu is analyzed. Consider integration options such as connecting the e-learning system to the knowledge assessment system and adding proctoring functions to the e-learning system, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages under certain conditions of integration.

The results of the research are given, namely the possibility of integrating the functionality of proctoring into information technologies of context analysis in knowledge assessment systems and the list of problems that in turn can be solved due to this integration. Also the basic modules which need to be considered for correct work of system are allocated.

The advantages and disadvantages of different types of proctoring are analyzed and the option for realization of mathematical model of proctoring is chosen, which will be one of the key components of information technologies of context analysis in knowledge assessment systems.

There has been presented the relevance of the development trend of proctoring systems and the tasks that can be solved when using them, the most important of which is the automation of educational processes and bringing the quality of control of their results to a higher level.

Author Biographies

O. I. Denesiak, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Automation and Intelligent Information Technology

Ye. A. Palamarchuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Automation and Intelligent Information Technology


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How to Cite

O. I. Denesiak and Y. A. Palamarchuk, “Comprehensive Proctoring System in Information Technologies of Context Analysis in Knowledge Evaluation Systems”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 93–99, Dec. 2021.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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