Analysis of Disturbed Lands of the South Quarry of the Konstantynovskyi District for their Further Reclamation and Target Development


  • Ya. Yu. Baikalov Donetsk National Technical University, Pokrovsk
  • O. I. Kutniashenko Donetsk National Technical University, Pokrovsk



overburden rocks, сhernozem, loam, recultivation, humus, soil fertility, biological mastering, erosion


The inevitable consequence of the quarry activity is a violation of the natural ecological balance in the natural environment, which is expressed by:

  1. In reducing the area of land due to their allocation for the development of a quarry.
  2. A slight change in the nature of the water regime and the chemical composition of groundwater.
  3. In violation of the soil cover and changes in the physical and chemical qualities of soils due to the inevitable displacement and mixing of various rocks.
  4. In changing the species composition of vegetation.
  5. In changing the terrain.

The task of modern nature management includes not only the rational use of natural resources, but also the improvement or preservation of the historically established man-made environment. At the same time, background indicators of the state of the technogenic environment are accepted as the maximum permissible.

The Yuzhnyi quarry is an important link in the technological cycle of the Southeastern mine for the extraction of fire-resistant clays. The planned reconstruction of the quarry is caused by the need for mineral extraction in the amount of 200 thousand tons per year.

When conducting mining operations in accordance with the site development technology and the reliable operation of auxiliary services will ensure the preservation of the established (background) stable state of the technogenic environment on an area of more than 62 hectares.

Thus, in compliance with the technology of mining and the implementation of the system of protective measures, further mining of the quarry will not cause any damage to the objects of the surrounding man-made environment and will correctly solve the following main tasks:

– development of technology for removing the fertile soil layer, its storage, transportation and application to the re-cultivated surface;

– preparation of a calendar plan for the technical stage of reclamation and transfer of recultivated areas for biological reclamation;

– development of biological reclamation technology.

Author Biographies

Ya. Yu. Baikalov, Donetsk National Technical University, Pokrovsk

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Environmental Protection

O. I. Kutniashenko, Donetsk National Technical University, Pokrovsk

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Environmental Protection


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How to Cite

Y. Y. Baikalov and O. I. Kutniashenko, “Analysis of Disturbed Lands of the South Quarry of the Konstantynovskyi District for their Further Reclamation and Target Development”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 1, pp. 11–15, Mar. 2022.



Ecology, ecological cybernetics and chemical technologies



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