Load Distribution Method on the Axle of a Truck Vehicle


  • О. О. Solariov Сумський національний аграрний університет
  • V. О. Herasymenko Sumy National Agrarian University
  • O. V. Tatsenko Sumy National Agrarian University




vehicle, driver, load distribution, cargo transportation


The vast majority of highways today was built about 50—60 years ago and had a design maximum load capacity of 5…6 tons per axle, and the total weight of the vehicle should not exceed 24 tons.

Thus, the distribution of the load between the axles of the vehicle is quite important. In accordance with the norms of the current legislation, there are appropriate norms for the load on the axles of vehicles. First of all, unevenly loaded car axles lead to mechanical damage and a decrease in the car's service life. Secondly, there is a negative impact on the road surface, especially when the ambient temperature is high enough and in places where vehicles brake intensively. In this article, we analyzed the factors that affect the load distribution on the axles of a truck and developed a methodology that will help solve this issue. To improve the process of transportation and equal distribution of the load between the axles of the vehicle on the axle, many companies use different software, which greatly simplifies the solution to this issue.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the existing methods of influencing the load distribution on the axles of a two-axle vehicle that uses a trailer.

When using a trailer, a force occurs on the hook of the vehicle, which in turn affects the distribution of the load on the axles of the car and significantly adds additional load to the rear axle. The data obtained in the article and data from the analysis of the literature on the distribution of the load on the axles show the following distribution: 35% on the front axle and 65% on the rear axle. During the movement of a vehicle with a trailer, depending on the weight of the trailer in dynamics, the weight can reach a distribution between the front and rear axles of 20 and 80%, respectively. The method developed and presented in the article allows you to quickly determine the distribution of the load on the axles of the vehicle and take measures for rational redistribution.

Author Biographies

О. О. Solariov, Сумський національний аграрний університет

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the Chair of Transport Technologies

V. О. Herasymenko, Sumy National Agrarian University

Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor of the Chair of Higher Mathematics

O. V. Tatsenko, Sumy National Agrarian University

Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Agricultural Engineering


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Abstract views: 1139



How to Cite

Solariov О. О., Herasymenko V. О., and O. V. . Tatsenko, “Load Distribution Method on the Axle of a Truck Vehicle”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 65–68, Dec. 2022.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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