Experimental-analytical dependencies parameters of lateral pressure distribution in different composition of concrete mixtures


  • Yu. S. Biks Вінницький національний технічний університет


mold, pressing, distribution, lateral pressure


The paper presents analytical equations obtained by the result of regressive analysis of experimental data on influence of pressing effort on distribution of lateral pressure in the process of pressing of concrete mixtures of different composition and compacting mode in the mold. Comparison of obtained results of different author’s methods has been made. It is shown that water-cement ratio factor clearly affects the magnitude of lateral pressure distribution in mixtures of different structure and compacting mode.

Author Biography

Yu. S. Biks, Вінницький національний технічний університет

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Abstract views: 110



How to Cite

Y. S. Biks, “Experimental-analytical dependencies parameters of lateral pressure distribution in different composition of concrete mixtures”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 15–18, Nov. 2010.



Civil engineering



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