Strategies of Professional Competence Formation of Tourist Experts in the Process of Studying Foreign Languages


  • M. H. Pradivliannyi Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • N. D. Bondar Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


integration processes, professional competence, macrostrategy, professional training, tourist industry, foreign language for special purpose, foreign-language communicative abilities, communicative approach, experts in tourism


On the base of analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature as well as practical experience in training specialist in the sphere of tourism the paper assumes that the need of touristic sphere in creative personality and competent specialist is the incessant strive to personal growth is extremely high, therefore the key objectives of touristic sphere is improvement of training under conditions of continuous education, ensuring the inclusive development of the specialist, formation of skills for cross-cultural communication with the representatives of other nations. It had been determined that the professional competency of the specialist in the travel industry sphere is the integrative property which combines the level of mastering professional knowledge, skills and shall be considered as the process of conscious operational control and behavior relevant to universal human values.

The paper also analyses the significance of professionally oriented foreign language for specialist in the travel industry sphere. There had been described the formation of linguistic communicative skills, improvement of process for formation of foreign language competency which is an integral component of fully realized professional specialists training in the travel industry sphere. The research substantiates that the introduction of communicative approach becomes possible due to the use of makrostrategies which stipulate for the principle aspects of this approach.

Author Biographies

M. H. Pradivliannyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Pedagogics), Assistant Professor, Director of Centre for International Relations

N. D. Bondar, Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

 Cand. Sc. (Pedagogics), Senior Lecturer of the Chair for Foreign Philology and Interpretation


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How to Cite

M. H. Pradivliannyi and N. D. Bondar, “Strategies of Professional Competence Formation of Tourist Experts in the Process of Studying Foreign Languages”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 168–174, Dec. 2017.



Strategy, content and new technologies of traning specialists at higher education institutions



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