Essence, Specifics and Forming of Cargo Delivery Systems


  • S. P. Onyshchenko Odessa National Maritime University
  • Yu. O. Koskina Odessa National Polytechnic University



cargo delivery system, transport system, system approach, carriages of cargoes


With basic principles of a system approach, an analysis the definition of a delivery system was carried out and decomposed, the structure of the delivery system was identified, the elements forming it and the interrelations between them were indicated. These elements of the delivery system are the elements of transport systems involved in the physical transporting of goods, and the enterprises of the transport services market, ensuring their interconnection and functioning. Accordingly, the technical-technological and organizational-management sub-systems were allocated in the delivery system. The main function of the system is to ensure the transporting of goods geographically and in time as a consequence of concluding a purchase and sale deal, and the function of each element of the delivery system is subordinated to this function, but they cannot perform it independently without the participation of other elements of the system. It is noted that the system of delivery of bulk cargoes as an interconnected set of elements is situational, since it is formed for the realization of a certain commodity purchase and sale deal, and after the realization of its function, ceases to exist. Forming of the delivery system is carried out by the seller (or his authorized representative) only within his responsibility for the transporting of cargo to a certain geographical point, which is a consequence of the trade terms for the delivery of the goods under the trade contract. Further organization of the delivery system and the corresponding transporting of the goods through it becomes the responsibility of the other party to the transaction — the buyer. The process of forming of the delivery system is presented as an “input-process-output” model, indicating the commercial and technological terms of the delivery of goods as inputs, the immediate process is divided into certain stages of its implementation, and the output is a package of contracts ensuring the operation of the delivery system. It is stated that the delivery system is open, since its operation is initiated, ensured and depends on the trading system, which in turn provides interconnection between the production and consumption systems, and the international and national regulatory and legal systems that regulate the activities and functioning of the cargo delivery system elements.

Author Biographies

S. P. Onyshchenko, Odessa National Maritime University

Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Professor, Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of Marine Business

Yu. O. Koskina, Odessa National Polytechnic University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Fleet Operating and Technologies of Sea Carriages


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How to Cite

S. P. Onyshchenko and Y. O. Koskina, “Essence, Specifics and Forming of Cargo Delivery Systems”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 3, pp. 86–95, Jun. 2019.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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