Injective Method of Data Harvesting of the User Experience Data in the Gaming Simulators of Computer Networks


  • I. P. Malinich Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. I. Mesiura Vinnytsia National Technical University



online games, computer network simulators, user experience, virtualization, UI/UX, LXC, UML


In the paper the ways of organizing the simulator’s work of computer networks are described, as well as methods and approaches for harvesting user experience. The application of this technology for entertainment and educational purposes is described. The main goals of collecting user data in gaming simulators of computer networks, which are used in particular in the competitions and contests for programming and application of IT technologies, are defined. Attention is drawn to the issue of collecting user experience data in applications that use a remote terminal connection using third-party software.

Features of application of software interfaces of technologies which functionality can be used as a basis for method development are reviewed: technologies of containerization of the user environment of the operating system LXC and User Mode Linux, technology of packet interception based on the NetFilter network firewall and Open vSwitch virtual switch. Attention is also paid to isolating user processes and traffic from the host operating system environment, as well as the risks that may arise in the absence of measures and technologies of the sandbox software isolation.

In the paper described the sequence of software implementation of the injective method, as well as the features of its use in the production environment. Attention is paid to logging changes to log files and real-time user activity logging. The features of the method are described in each of two variants of the basic containerization technology: LXC and User Mode Linux. The ways of increasing the security and reliability of the method itself when it is integrated with User Mode Linux virtualization technology are presented. Also ways of improving this approach by using additional Linux kernel modules are provided.

Author Biography

I. P. Malinich, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Computer Sciences


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How to Cite

I. P. Malinich and V. I. Mesiura, “Injective Method of Data Harvesting of the User Experience Data in the Gaming Simulators of Computer Networks”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 49–54, Oct. 2019.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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