Development of Models and Methods for Optimal Control of Project Systems Based On the Optimal Aggregation Methodology


  • T. M. Borovska Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • D. I. Hryshyn Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • I. S. Kolesnyk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. A. Severilov Vinnytsia National Technical University



optimal aggregation, variational problem, optimal development, project system, monoproject


There has been considered the management of project systems taking into account the life cycle of the product. A mathematical model and software for project systems has been developed. The software has modules to adjust the parameters of the mathematical model, enter data and analyze the results of the simulation. The main interpretation of the mathematical model is the complex of production, retail, logistics of components and final products and recycling systems. Technology systems can be in the states of design, construction, and production, modification of technologies and products of production. The purpose of the article is to develop mathematical models: individual production projects, taking into account demand, competition, technology renewal and production of products; Development of project system models with time management in mind.

The conceptual theoretical basis of development has been chosen: resource approach, methodology of optimal aggregation and solution of variation problems of optimal allocation of resources in the processes of operation and development of objects. An integrated mathematical model of "monoproject" has been developed, performing optimal aggregation and optimization of the development strategy. The result of calculations of the module is "monoproject"-matrix structures, similar to the records in databases — solving the problems of optimal operational and strategic management. The variation is solved for a one-dimensional optimal equivalent object followed by "disaggregation" - the distribution of the optimal strategy across all subsystems.

The result of using the "monoproject" software module is to remove the dimension problem in solving one-step and multi-step optimization problems. Specifically, it is the elimination of search engines and the possibility of parallel calculations. The following new scientific and practical results have been obtained: optimal management of the start and end of individual monoprojects; optimal management of market windows — moments of decommissioning of some products and the launch of new products; the development of new binary operators of optimal aggregation of elements of the system of projects – monoprojects. A simulation of the project test system has been performed.

Author Biographies

T. M. Borovska, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Computer Control Systems

D. I. Hryshyn, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Computer Control Systems

I. S. Kolesnyk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Computer Control System

V. A. Severilov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

канд. техн. наук, доцент


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How to Cite

T. M. Borovska, D. I. Hryshyn, I. S. Kolesnyk, and V. A. Severilov, “Development of Models and Methods for Optimal Control of Project Systems Based On the Optimal Aggregation Methodology”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 1, pp. 61–76, Feb. 2020.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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