Implementation of Pedagogical Conditions of Tourist and Economic Experts’ Key Competences Formation in the Process of Studying Humanities


  • M. H. Pradivliannyi Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • N. D. Bondar Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



key competences, pedagogical conditions, professional training, the humanities, experts, experimental testing, positive motivation, foreign languages


On the base of practical experience of training experts in tourism and economy, as well as analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature, the paper concludes that the key competences` formation of specialists at a high level becomes an indicator of life activity development.

The key competencies of the tourism and economic industry specialist are decisive in such areas as: planning (goal setting, task specification, action planning and resource pre-accounting); management of subordinates (formation of organizational structure, definition of functions of each employee, organization of self-control system); control (activity monitoring, problem identification and resolution); developing staff competencies and motivating them to succeed.

On the base of our own research, pedagogical conditions for the formation of key competencies of experts in tourism and economy had been determined (the process of formation of positive motivation to studying the humanities due to professional direction of their content; the usage of distance education means for students’ individual work; the fulfillment of classroom activities with problematic and creative educational tasks by using web-quests; the development of students’ professional and personal traits in the process of business games). The effectiveness of pedagogical conditions` application in the educational process is proved.

The paper also analyzes the importance of the humanities for professionals in tourist and economic industry. The experimental testing of the method of pedagogical conditions` implementation of key competences formation is described.

Author Biographies

M. H. Pradivliannyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Pedagogics), Associate Professor, Director of Centre for International Relations

N. D. Bondar, Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Cand. Sc. (Pedagogics), Senior Lecturer of the Chair for Foreign Philology and Interpretation


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Abstract views: 195



How to Cite

M. H. Pradivliannyi and N. D. Bondar, “Implementation of Pedagogical Conditions of Tourist and Economic Experts’ Key Competences Formation in the Process of Studying Humanities”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 110–119, Apr. 2020.



Strategy, content and new technologies of traning specialists at higher education institutions



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